Where fitness meets entertainment
Step into the world of FlixFit, a New App where running transforms into an enjoyable adventure! Amp up your runs with a touch of fun and personalization.
What was the problem?
Individuals with fitness trackers eventually lose their motivation to workout and resort to cheating the device data. How can we design an app that syncs with wearable fitness trackers to sustain genuine progress and prevent cheating?
How did we solve?
Created a new app to gamify the running experience by crafting exciting daily running routes based on users' preferred theme. Rewards were added to encourage users on completing daily tasks.
Having a touch of personalization and rewards motivated our users to run everyday and complete their daily goal.

Glimpse of the Project

Personalized themes and rewards

What FlixFit does!
In a nutshell
AI Generated unique downloadable rewards based on Users' preference
Sparks motivation to workout
Uses multiple sensors to ensure user isn't cheating
Setting up your own running routine
Help explore local areas
I originally came up with the idea of custom routes, personalized rewards, and gamification, which we later refined and expanded.
Take a look at my initial sketch to learn more!
User Interface and Flow
Every screen showcased in my portfolio for this project was redesigned by me. The original screens we created together were quite different and in low to mid-fidelity.
I drafted the entire app flow. In our group project, we initially created only seven basic screens, which I later expanded and refined for my portfolio.
Personal Contributions
Secondary research - Sensors types, Competitor analysis, User motivation
Primary research - 2 Interviews (30mins each)
Case Study
This was an oversimplification of the project. To know more in detail, including research, ideation, iterations, design system and final screens, check out the Case Study
Stay tuned! The case study is WIP…